Hello and welcome to our safe space♡
Tonights video is a collab with @ASMR Alysaa
She is also gonna do some close up hand movements for you🌸
She is super sweet and you have to watch her video too! I will link it here:
Her channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCyZ8-Fnx4T_S4TKWZH5o93A
If you wanna support me here is a link to my paypal❤
For custom made video e-mail me!❤
• 📧Contact: [email protected]
• TikTok: flowercloudasmr
• Snapchat: Flowercloudasmr
• Instagram: jessicaontheinternet
• flower Instagram: flowercloudswe
All my videos are for entertainment purposes only. Please seek proffesional help If you need it. ❤
#asmr #alysaa #flowercloudasmr #flowercloud #alysaaasmr #sleep #handmovements #handsounds #sleeping #helpsleep
alysaa alysaaASMR asmr colab collab flowercloud flowercloudasmr handmovements handsounds helpsleeping sleep