ASMR New Trigger ! Obstacle Course Triggers on a Slinky, Beeswax Wrap Tapping with Long Nails , Slinky Scratching , Jade Rolling on Lego, Fluffy Mic Cover Scratching, Slinky Purring
This trigger is a combination of obstacle course triggers ( ) and slinky triggers on the mic ( ) .
➡ ALSO, a few things: 1) I didn't eat before filming this, so you could probably hear my stomach growl - SORRY 😞 2) I initially wanted to have the beeswax wrap stick directly on to the slinky, but it just wouldn't stick which is kind of ironic 👀🤭 3) Is there a better name for this trigger? Please let me know in the comments, thank you 💗
0:00 Preview
0:48 Tapping / Scratching Gems, Charms and Rhinestones
4:06 Break: Slinky Purring (a.k.a Slinky Scratching) and Fluffy Mic Cover
6:59 Lego Scratching and Jade Rolling on Lego
10:48 Tracing, Tapping and Scratching on Beeswax Wraps
17:40 Break: Slinky Brushing, Tracing on Slinky and Guess the Shape
20:16 Scratching and Jade Rolling on Brick Highlighter
23:08 Spoolie Scratching and Tapping
25:43 Break: Jade Rolling on Slinky
26:43 Tapping / Scratching Gems, Charms and Rhinestones
Obstacle Course Triggers:
Slinky Mic Triggers:
Spiders Crawling up your Back on Slinky:
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asmr beeswax tapping beeswax wrap scratching long nails asmr new triggers charms scratching rhinestones scratching jade rolling on objects asmr long nails scratching mic triggers slinky obstacle course triggers beeswax wrap tapping and scratching long nails