ASMR Medical Kidnapping Roleplay (Horror)

Yinie ASMR
Published 6 years ago

⚠ **WARNING: If you are upset/triggered easily please do NOT watch this video! Loud(ish) drilling sounds at 15:55 and 16:16

"Where am I..?" You think to yourself as you wake up in a cold, dark warehouse with no one around except some psychopath. She seems nice enough until you realise she's trying to take your eyes from you and you have no way of escaping... In this video some triggers include lots of whispering, personal attention, measuring you, crinkly lab coat sounds, some metallic sounds and much more. This is something entirely new for me and my channel so I hope you guys don't mind me experimenting a bit with different themes :)

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There is absolutely no obligation to donate to me, but if you do I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. 🥰

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