Long and Curly Hair Play - Hair ASMR!

Uplifting ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Relaxing Hair Play ASMR, Hair Flipping ASMR, Curly Hair Play, Long Hair Play ASMR, Relaxing Hair Massage ASMR, Hair Sounds ASMR, Hair Video
#hairplay #hairsounds #curlyhair

Hey there everyone!
It was so nice to chat with you guys live yesterday! For those who missed, I honestly was just planning on doing a quick 5 min test to see how live streaming worked. (It was my first time ever!) I ended up being on for like 1 hr 45 min or something crazy like that! It was SO MUCH FUN! (For me at least!) So thanks to everyone who popped in to hear me talk about nothing! haha You guys rock!🙌🤘😘

So! Upcoming videos!
This weekend (I'm thinking Sunday) - Page Flipping/Finger Licking
Tuesday - Hair DUNKING!! (in my tub)
Wednesday- LIVE STREAM! 1pm MST (my time, soooo... like 3pm EST, 7pm GMT)
Friday - Hairplay!

Keep your eyes peeled for some whipped cream during the live stream on Wednesday! Hope to see you guys there! I WILL NOT BE WHISPERING! Live streaming and whispering sounds like a ton of work, so It will just be like a "get to know me more" kind of thing! Mostly hanging out and having a good time!

To see more of my videos, click here:

To see MORE hair play, click here:

To see me wash my hair, click here:

As always, You guys are the best viewers a girl could ask for!😘🌸


asmr fingers through hair asmr relaxing hair play curly hair play asmr hair asmr hair flip asmr hair flipping asmr hair play asmr hair play tingles hair shaking asmr HAIR STYLING ASMR hair tingles asmr hair trigger hair triggers asmr head asmr tingles head banging Head Massage ASMR Head Scratching asmr long curly hair play Long hair play messy bun asmr messy hair asmr messy hair play relaxing hair massage asmr relaxing hair play tingles hair asmr

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