I page through all three omnibus volumes of the manga The Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezu while providing a summary and commentary (ie. not being copyright infringing) on what happens in a soft-spoken manner . This long format is meant to provide a relaxing, possibly sleepy & ASMR inducing experience no matter if you own this title or don't even read manga or comic books at all. This is the first part in a periodic series where I will be recapping various manga titles (and possibly other books).
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:50 Volume 1
00:53:31 Volume 2
01:47:55 Volume 3
02:57:52 Final thoughts
Video Playlists:
All Playlists ► https://bit.ly/2HYYG0g
Welcome to ER ► https://bit.ly/34RQlnH
Traditional ASMR ► https://bit.ly/2GoRQQZ
Arkham Sanitarium / Rift World ASMR ► https://bit.ly/2TRquGu
ASMR Character Performances ► https://bit.ly/364b2fT
Experimental ASMR ► https://bit.ly/3oVOqGG
Welcome to ER ► https://bit.ly/34RQlnH
Nature Videos ► https://bit.ly/35ZbJHc
ASMR Eating ► https://bit.ly/3lEe4hq
Gameplays ► https://bit.ly/2Lkmygt
Real Talk ► https://bit.ly/3n13q4H
Patreon ► http://bit.ly/1EZgmNi
Website ► https://ephemeralrift.com
asmr calming commentary horror manga insomnia relief Kazuo Umezu manga manga commentary manga recap manga summary page turning Recap relaxation relaxing sleep Sleep Aid Sleeping sleepy soft speaking soft spoken soothing stress relief summary the drifting classroom the drifting classroom manga