This is ASMR most various mic or ear brushing, scratching, picking with tools and no talking for your tingles and sleep!
I tried to use many tools as much as possible! :3 I hope you enjoy it and thanks for your watching so much! X3
안녕하세요 여러분! 이번 동영상은 팅글과 잠을 위한 마이크 긁기, 찌르기, 브러싱 모음이에요 :3 최대한 많은 도구를 사용해서 만들어보도록 노력해봤는데 다양한 소리로 질리지않고 팅글도 많이 느끼실 수 있으면 좋겠어요! 오늘도 고마워요! XD
🍅 PATREON (donation) :
🍅 Twitch (streaming):
00:06 preview
01:40 hands
06:17 wooden fork
11:24 wooden fork2
14:05 tweezers
17:41 wooden earpicker & plastic earpicker
24:56 mascara brush
30:23 small Q-tips
34:33 wooden skewer
37:07 big Q-tip
39:24 keyboard cleaning brush
41:44 small brush
46:30 big hard brush
51:11 scaler (scaling)
asmr asmr brushing ASMR Ear Cleaning asmr ear picking asmr mic brushing asmr no talking ASMR sleep english asmr mic scratching asmr ppomo asmr scaling asmr 音フェチ