Hello, my fellow Tingleheads :D So, this week I have to swap the order of Time Travel Tuesday & Thrifty Thursday, due to the holidays throwing my posting schedule off last week. I'm sorry for the confusion! You will still receive both videos this week, just on opposite days. In this TT, I got my hands on the board game version of one of my favorite childhood bedtime story books, Goodnight Moon. I also found a pack of 90's Rock Music trivia cards that I'd like to test your knowledge with, quietly of course :) So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy this installment of TT!
Silent Citadel & Asmraurette's collaboration video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPaBUumSLGA
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/MFBVVc
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/36fZ1f
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/z3jkl8
Common triggers included: Soft speaking, whispering, tapping, scratching, card sounds
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
asmr calm calming cards hypnosis relax relaxation relaxing sleep thrift thrifty trvia