Guiding You To Dreamland 🌛 ~ ASMR for the BEST Sleep

ASMR Shortbread
Published 3 years ago

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#asmrforsleep #asmrdreams #asmrvisualization
0:00 Sponsorship
2:05 Guiding You to Dreamland

Tonight, I will be guiding you to dreamland in this ASMR video for the best sleep! I hope you enjoy this visualization video with some sound effects scattered here and there. Sweet dreams... 🌛
Personal attention triggers include: ear to ear whispering, hand movements, pure whispering, bedtime story telling, sleep visualizations.

CONNECT with me on Twitter, TikTok or Instagram: @asmrshortbread
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I'd like to say thank you very much to my amazing patrons for supporting me and connecting with me on my page. Thank you Aks, Alan, Alex, Álvaro, Allyn, Andrew, Angus, Armand, Ashley, Autumn, Barbara, Benjamin, Blue, Brandon, Branwen, Brian, Bryan, Bunboi, Caleb, Cedric, Ceryk, Chris, Dan, Dave, David, Don, Donald, easyasdoremi, Elizabeth, Eric, Ethan, Felipe, Fotis, Francina, Frank, Gary, Gerben, Hannah, Invitro, Jack, Jackson, James, Jay, Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jesse, Joey, Johnny, Johnathon, Justin, Kameron, Ken, Kris, Kyle, Lee, Mac, Marc, Mark, Marie, Marit, Marque, Mathew, Matt, Michael, Mike, Milton, Mindy, Mr. EB, Mudguts, Nate, Navy, Oliver, Pablo, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Phil, Rain, Ramsey, Ricardo, Rob, Rory, Ross, Rumalda, Ryan, Sam, ScatteredStars, Scott, Sean, Seth, Seton, Shoopy, Starromania72, Tortellini, Thomas, UKCASTING, Vici, Will, William, Yanpo, Zvika - you guys are great!

Many thanks and much love,
ASMR Shortbread ♥️

- This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR purposes.
- This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment.


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