tingly triggers to help you fall asleep! feel free to listen to this while you work, study, game or fall asleep. I hope you enjoy! This took super long and the v got lost hahaha but I hope you all find this video interesting! Much love to you!! Also quick note german triggers as in words translated to german, these items are obviously found everywhere in the world haha!! thought it would be a fun twist. ILY, Eda #asmr #sleep #asmrsound
0:00 Intro
0:50 A - Ananas (pineapple)
2:45 B - Bambus (bamboo)
5:00 C - Chemie (chemistry)
6:30 D - Durchblättern (flick through)
8:04 E - Einhorn (unicorn, i realized i actually used a mermaid brush not unicorn lmao)
9:35 F - Flüstern (whispering)
10:50 G - Gehirn (brain)
12:35 H - Haare (hair)
13:42 I - Impulsgeräusche (impulse sounds ?)
15:22 J - Jubel trigger word (cheer)
16:06 K - Kork (cork)
17:55 L - Löffel (spoon)
19:04 M - Mann (man)
20:43 N - Notizblock (notebook)
22:22 O - Ohr (ear)
23:48 P - Pinsel (brush)
25:42 Q - Quetschball (squishy)
27:19 R - Roller (roller)
29:15 S - Silikonhandschuhe (silicone gloves)
31:08 U - Uhr (clock)
32:33 T -Tesa (tape)
33:49 W - Wasserspray (water spray)
34:41 X - X-Letter
35:58 Y - Trigger Word Yucca
36:35 Z -Zauberwürfel (rubik's cube)
the V got lost hahaha
psst...don't forget to follow me
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a to z alphabet triggers asmr german asmr roleplay asmr teaching german ASMR Tingles asmr whispering asmr whispering sleep asmr whispering willow edafoxx hand movements relaxing video sleep tingles trigger words triggers