🌿ASMR🌿 The ASMR Tag — 100% Whispered

Remme ASMR
Published 3 years ago


When was the first time you experienced ASMR? 1:44
When was the first time you watched ASMR on YouTube? 10:30
What's your favorite unintentional ASMR video? 12:10
Name the last five ASMRtists that you watched. 15:32
What is your favorite ASMR trigger to listen to? 17:36, 25:35
What is your least favorite trigger to listen to? (Do it!) 21:10, 26:22
Do you use ASMR to relax or fall asleep? 29:53
What is your bedtime routine? 30:51
What is your favorite trigger to do? (Do it!) 29:07
What is your least favorite trigger to do? (Do this too!) 29:39
How long does it take you to make a video? 22:51,
Have you ever gotten tingles from your own videos? 33:38
Do you watch your own videos? 33:48
What software do you use to edit? 38:00
What time of day do you film? ...Shit, I forgot this one! I'll answer in the comments.
What is your favorite video that you've made? ...Shit, SHIT, I forgot this one too!!
Has one of your videos had an unexpected negative fan reaction? 38:18
Which videos of yours, do you think, didn't get the love they deserved? 40:48
What's something the audience doesn't know about the ‘behind the scenes’ of your channel? 44:08
What's the most absurd request you received from a fan? 46:37
Do your family and friends know you make ASMR videos? 48:20
Have you ever been recognized in public? 49:34
What inspires your video ideas? 49:41
Where do you find yourself spending the most time online? 50:59
What advice would you give someone who wanted to make their own ASMR content? 51:48

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