Our unconscious fears and previous habits can show up at any time, especially once we’ve been free of them for a while. By acknowledging any fears or discomforts that arise, we come to accept the fact that they are arising in order to be alchemicalized and transformed.
So how do we transform sensory overloads into sensuous sensitivity and authentic expressions?
One way to transform is relax into our senses, and find a way to understand ourselves more. Sometimes we end up meeting our ego or limbic brain instead, but if we continue to relax as a form of surrender, we can get back into oxytocin and theta brainwave states. Focusing on our senses and breath, we can open to calm and peaceful feelings and even receive answers to our questions.
Knowing that our younger selves built up specific coping mechanisms and walls in order to survive this world, we can practice surrendering and getting in touch with the strength and resilience we also built up alongside these triggers.
Focus on relaxation here and now, as this is a type of surrender, a letting go of painful thoughts and feelings so that you can let things flow outside of your control.
Oftentimes our need to control and fix everything is what requires the surrender, transformation, and rebirth process. So if we can find a way to meditate or use tools that help us to come more into our senses, we are already halfway there, and the answers will begin to come.
Sometimes, you have to search in the dark, difficult moments for where your blind spots live. Other times, it’s more simple than you think, and all that’s required is to breathe, receive and keep moving/meditating.
Transforming sensory overloads into stimulating sensuousness is a very intuitive journey that can bring you more peace, presence, and pleasure.
Using ASMR meditations/readings can help you to face painful feelings and show you the mirror of your fears. Once seen for what it really is, fear can be transformed.
Another way is to express your voice as a way of clearing trapped energy to help free anyway shame or guilt.
The three stages:
• Outward denial / repression / destruction
• Transition, feeling the pain, transformation
• Creation, something new, inner peace and acceptance
🧘🏽 For a sacred space to work through triggers / difficult emotions caused by mental health, sign up to my website or book a reading:
🧘🏽 https://www.misssynchronicity.com/
🧘🏽 During an ASMR Reading & Meditation we will use Tarot to uncover some of the deeper aspects of your psyche, and explore relaxation techniques that can guide you out of the fight, flight, or freeze responses and back into sensuosity.
spirituality asmr consciousness energy healing Meditation mental health miss synchronicity reading Reiki relaxation sensuous sleep therapy triggers whisper