【🇯🇵ASMR】大丈夫だよ息吸って🌬パニック障害/過呼吸/ストレス/不安/発作 Panic attack hyperventilation anxiety stress relief 音フェチ

ASMR BlueKatie
Published 5 years ago

インスタ Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/asmrbluekatie/
This video is not intended to cure any mental illnesses since I am not a psychologist. Please see this video as a way to relax or feel better and seek professional help.

どうも!けいとです。今回の動画は私にとって、とても大事です。私はパニック障害を持っていて現在治療中です。 そのため同じような人たちを少しでも助けられたな、と思い今回の動画を撮りました。長い間撮りたかった動画なのでがんばりました。でも語彙力不足で言いたいことを全部言えなかった気がするのであまり満足してないです。今度再挑戦したいと思います。少しでもお役に立てられたら高評価、チャンネル登録、通知、ツイッター&インスタフォローよろしくおねがいします^^励みになります!みんないつもありがとう おやすみ🌙💕

Hi! Katie here:) Today's video is very important to me since I struggle with panic attacks myself and get professional help for that. I really wanted to film this for so long because I wanted to help people who struggle just like me. I think I'll try to film this again another time cause I feel like I didn't do very well. Anyways, I hope I could at least help you a bit with this video and if so, Please follow my twitter, instagram and subscribe&like💕Thank u for watching! love u guys and have a good night🌙💕

Please help me put subtitles on my videos! x

パトロンPatreon, Thank you so so much for the support!! 応援本当にありがとうございます!:https://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie

Discord ディスコード: https://discord.gg/xcJWfwn

End screen music by Sir. Dayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOhBpkr_0g0

PLAYLIST 子守唄/Lullabies ASMR・音フェチ Singing you to sleep

音フェチ動画✨ASMR videos!!

English ASMR videos✨

Subscribe! チャンネル登録よろしくです!

#ASMR #音フェチ


3Dio Anime anxiety asmr binaural blue katie Bluekatie brush camera brushing Caring you comforting you Ear Cleaning Ear Massage face touching Helping You Through a Panic Attack hyperventilation insomnia it's okay japan Japanese mouth sounds panic attack relax relaxation relief role play sleep sr3d ssst tap tapping tingle whisper стресс 音フェチ

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