You wake up to find yourself in the care of a kind dragon healer. She heals your wounds through ear cupping & massage!
I'm finally back! Thank you for being patient with me this past month, I was busy with IRL obligations and couldn't find the time to upload a video. Everything should be back to normal now though and I really appreciate you for sticking with me! I hope you enjoy this video!
P.S. I'll give the first person who guesses the song I'm humming a donut!
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๐ 0:00 - introductions
๐ 12:05 - ear cupping & massage
๐ 16:06 - good night!
art drawn by me using clip studio paint
video edited with vegas pro 14 and audacity
& recorded with a 3dio fs & blue yeti
"Cracking/Crunching, A.wav by InspectorJ" of
"Fairy Dust Magic" by jacksonacademyashmore
"Gentle wind chimer.flac" by GFEffex of
"High heels on marble floor" by avakas of
& other CC0 sounds from thanks to all the sound creators!
3Dio affection Anime asmr asmr roleplay attention bakadere binaural Clumsy cute dragon dragon girl Ear Cupping Ear Massage fantasy girlfriend girlfriend asmr heal healing heals kawaii love Magic personal attention relaxing roleplay sleep WAIFU whisper whispered whispering