Hello asmr family, hopefully your day is going well! I’ve made a Snapchat so you guys can see into my life! My username is notoriousasmr if you want to add it! I want to thank you for all the love and support and I really hope y’all enjoy the tingles!!
Business Inquires: [email protected]
Snapchat: notoriousasmr
asmrsounds asmrtingles asmrtriggers asmrwhisper mouthtingles asmr asmrhighsensitivity ASMRMouthSounds asmrmouthtriggers asmrtist asmrwatersounds asmrwatertingles asmrwatertriggers Asmrwhispering braintingles deeptriggers fallasleep mindnumbing mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR mouthtriggers sleep sleepsounds tingles wettriggers whispering