International Super Star Singer Beyonce's Mrs. Carter World Tour Hits Barclays, Shows awesome self confidence is awesome coolness! Singer Beyonce said she was nervous and had huge anxiety to perform Saturday at Brooklyn's Barclays Center, the house that husband Jay Z helped build and famously christened. Beyonce Performance was nothing to fear she did an excellent job indeed! I'm Jessica Kardashian & Leave A Beautiful Comment Below!
Read more - The Queen Has Arrived! | Beyonce's Mrs. Carter World Tour Shuts Down Brooklyn's Barclay Center:
beyoncé Beyoncé (Record Producer) Beyonce Barclays Beyonce Barclays Center Beyonce Mrs Carter World Tour Beyonce Mrs Carter World Tour Barclays Center Beyonce Mrs Carter World Tour New York Beyonce Mrs Carter World Tour Review Entertainment News Mrs Carter World Tour Mrs Carter World Tour Review Mrs. Carter World Tour Photos