ASMR Energy Rain ✨Plucking & Scratching & Tapping 🌧🌧

Iselia ASMR
Published 1 year ago

Hey, welcome [back] to my channel. This video includes energy rain trigger (Credit to @ASMRnoa).
Saw it and had to try it! it includes all my fav triggers - plucking, tapping, scratching, and more.
I hope it will relax you, help you sleep, or be a nice ASMR background sound. hope you will enjoy this brain massage 😴

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As always, I hope it will help you clear your mind, relax, and enjoy the many soothing sounds featured in the video I'm still working on the overall tone of my videos, so I hope it will not bother you too much.

If you like this video, please click the bell to have notifications, like & subscribe. It will make me so happy and grateful!
also know, I'm open to suggestions and criticism I want to get better at this so feel free to speak what's on your mind regarding my videos.

Night Night....zzzz
Isel 🌸

#asmrenergyrain #micscratching #brainmassage #asmr #asmrtapping #asmrtriggers #asmrforrelaxation #asmrlongnails #asmrsleep #asmrmicscratching #asmrrelaxingtriggers #asmrscalpmassage #asmrforsleep

Please watch: "ASMR Inaudible Whisper / Mouth Sounds With Soft Tapping\ Yeti Mic Scratching"
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- asmr scratching


asmr Asmr energy rain asmr for sleep asmr long nails asmr plucking negative energy asmr scratching asmr tapping energy rain asmr no talking

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