Hello beautiful people! Tonight is a show and tell with my "African Drum ASMR" Hope the sounds are quite relaxing as I play a little something and simply talk about it. :)
✦S U B S C R I B E & Click the notification bell for updates! https://goo.gl/UU9LMs
✦Feel free to share! ✦Comment ✦Rate if you like!
✦Wear headphones for THE BEST experience!😊
#asmr #mellowniqueasmr #mellownique
✦LO-FI ASMR MAKE-UP APPLICATION - https://youtu.be/Npc6Fw06SwU
✦CALMING ASMR IN QUARANTINE - https://youtu.be/WApyBmcDL4I
Check out more videos below!
✦A S M R 💖M Y H E A R T B E A T S F O R Y O U
✦A S M R N E W Y E A R H A I R C UT https://tinyurl.com/y82jm5ds
✦B L A C K P A N T H E R A S M R R O L E P L A Y S E R I E S
Prepare to be marveled! ✦https://tinyurl.com/ybvx5osk
It will include ALL KINDS OF TINGLES! Are you ready?
✦ R O L E P L A Y - (Various videos)
(Beauty & The Beast - The Little Mermaid & More) https://tinyurl.com/yb3lg4dj
I recently created a donation page via Paypal. So, if you would like to support my channel, feel free to make a donation by visiting my link below. Any amount is greatly appreciated. No pressure. Thanks! :) https://www.paypal.me/heymellownique
asmr asmr massage asmr meditation asmr relaxation ASMR SINGER ASMR sleep brain tingles Calming ASMR calming whisper mellow my soft spoken mellownique asmr black panther asmr mellow nique