Why Is This Queen Wearing an Eyepatch?

ASMR Chess
Published 1 year ago

This puzzle was published by the Russian Master Alexander Petrov in Schachzeitung #6, in 1824. It is more than a puzzle, it is a morality tale.
This is an ASMR video :)

You can copy this FEN string into your chess program of choice to analyze it yourself 3n4/2p3p1/4prB1/n1P5/p1pP1rp1/4b3/1pP1Np1K/1k3N1Q w - - 0 1

NOTE that chess engines like Stockfish will give the wrong answer, since they are unaware of Petrov's hatred for Marshall Kutuzov.

In 1812 Napoleon had invaded Russia with a huge army (La Grande Armée, in fact). He had, through a military campaign that was devastating to both sides, managed to capture Moscow. From there he was driven back to Paris. This chess puzzle tells that story.

Note that while I have tried my best to research for this video I am not a trained historian and cannot guarantee for the accuracy of the information in this video.

You can buy the board used in this video here: https://shop.worldchess.com/
Remember to get the 10% discount on any purchase you make by using the promo-code asmrchess10

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