Debbie comes in for a meeting with Aiden's teacher (you) because Aiden has been creating some troubling art work. Obviously, you should be spending WAY more time paying attention to her son, but maybe he needs to go off even more gluten. ;)
MISOPHONIC WARNING: gum chewing and water drinking
Please note - this character is satire. She's me making fun of some of the crazy things I see other moms do around me because, well, I live in the suburbs and shit gets ridiculous.
Meet the other suburban moms:
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Instagram/Twitter: @crinkleluvin
Email: [email protected]
asmr bitchy crinkle luvin asmr debbie gluten free debbie humorous asmr karen karen takes the kids karen wants to speak to the manager meme asmr page flipping page turning role play soft spoken suburban mom asmr suburban moms vegan