ASMR 112 Questions about Your Childhood (Write a Memoir)

floontz ASMR
Published 10 months ago

Write that memoir! Here are 112 questions (ASMR style) about your childhood, designed to inspire the start or continuation of your written life story. And let's not forget - these questions dual function as a thorough tool for character development.

This video questions the core memories of your childhood from ages 1-12, and covers where you grew up, your tastes, your hobbies, your friends, your self-perception... and more!

00:00 intro
1:32 hometown
7:11 personality
8:31 health
10:37 school
13:14 first friends
14:35 spirituality
16:50 activities
17:50 food
18:20 home life
23:02 appearance
24:55 childhood friends
27:55 birthdays
29:24 tragedies
31:00 misc

For a hard copy of these questions, you can find them here:

This is part of a personal history sub-series within the greater world building series 🌏:

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amsr childhood questions asmr asmr 112 asmr childhood asmr core memories asmr how to write memoir asmr memoir asmr memories asmr personal history asmr questions asmr questions about personal history ASMR world building asmr writing memoir floontz asmr how to write a memoir memoir questions memoir writing question prompts for memoir tips for writing a memoir write a memoir

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