ASMR Eye Examination | Soft Spoken Medical RP

calliope whispers ASMR
Published 6 years ago

Good evening, my loves! Confession time: while my first eye exam video is my most popular, I absolutely detested that video. I felt it was not my best work, it was a weak video, what have you. I've been itching to make a much better one – so here it is! I feel hella more confident about this one, and I had a lot of fun filming it even with some minor audio setbacks.

You've come into my optometry office with a case of anal glaucoma – you're not seeing your ass going into work today. I'll ask some questions, take some notes, do some eye tests including following the light and the finger wiggle tests that we see so often in ASMR roleplays, and write you a prescription that I think'll do the trick :) triggers include: writing, soft speaking, light tracking, personal attention, et cetera.

The video/audio gets weird around the 14:00 mark. I tried fixing it as best as I could but it is still a little patchy, huge apologies!

Alright guys, big annoucement. I'm monetizing the channel. I didn't want to, but times are tough and I've noticed that my computer is really messing up my audio and putting huge delays after about 15 mins of film, so this money is going towards getting a new computer. I was going to wait till I hit 10K but my computer is going downhill fast. I don't honestly know if I will set up a thing for donations, but monetizing the channel is a way for me to earn some money to give you better content without y'all spending anything!

Requests: I do not do requests, however, that doesn't mean that I don't get inspired by suggestions!
Check me on Twitter for personal updates & somewhat deep quotes or incredibly inappropriate replies to other ASMRtists: @calliopewhisper

This is my and your space for love & relaxation so any negative comments will be deleted and trolling will be promptly put on full blast on my social media platforms :D Thank you!

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Thank you to my viewers, my like-button hitters, & my subscribers!

Thanks for watching!


asmr AVRIC doctor dr. ear to ear eye exam eye examination eye test Follow the light intense intentional light tracking medical personal attention role play roleplay rp soft speaking soft spoken stereo tingle tingly writing

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