ASMR: WHISPERING FACTS About Bitter Gourd (Close-up, Breathy Whispers) ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒฑ [Binaural]

Misschic ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Kumusta (hello) I got many requests to make a pure whispered video and also to do close-up, breathy whispers. I thought I'd show you our bitter gourd plant that we had growing in our conservatory! We've recently collected the last of the harvest. This video has binaural whispered reading and I also chat about my favourite recipes and about the plant that we grew. Please use headphones/earbuds to hear the ear-to-ear sounds. ๐ŸŒฑ
Link to Berel Shereshewsky's bitter gourd video:
00:00 - Intro
01:29 - Whispered facts
11:18 - Recipes
My last video:
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โ™ฅMy equipment:
Camera: Nikon D3300
Recorder: Tascam TM80

#whisperedfacts #educationalasmr #bittergourd #binauralwhispering #readingfacts

Tags: bitter gourd, relax and learn , relax , learn , bitter melon , bitter gourd recipes , ampalaya , kerala , ampalaya recipes , ampalaya health benefits , bitter gourd health benefits , asmr tingles , binaural , binaural whispers , close-up whispers , whispers , whispering , whispers for sleep , breathy whispers , filipino asmr , asia , asian food , reading facts , facts , whispered facts , sleep . anxiety help , sleep help , educational asmr , asmr reading , reading asmr , whispered reading , whispered , asmr requests , pure whispers , asmr food , harvest , asmr plants , plants , gardening , indoor plants , homegrown , homegrown veggies , homegrown vegetables , vegetables


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