Thanks to Gibi for bringing tags back to YouTube!
Timestamps are pinned in the comments :)
1 - When was the first time you experienced ASMR?
2 - When was the first time you watched ASMR on Youtube?
3 - What's your favorite unintentional ASMR video?
4 - Name the last five ASMRtists that you watched.
5 - What is your favorite ASMR trigger to listen to?
6 - What is your least favorite trigger to listen to? (Do it....!)
7 - Do you use ASMR to relax or fall asleep?
8 - What is your bedtime routine?
9 - What is your favorite trigger to do? (Do it!)
10 - What is your least favorite trigger to do? (Do this too!)
11 - How long does it take you to make a video?
12 - Have you ever gotten tingles from your own videos?
13 - Do you watch your own videos?
14 - What software do you use to edit?
15 - What time of the day do you film?
16 - What is your favorite video that you've made?
17 - Have one of your videos had an unexpected negative fan reaction?
18 - What videos of yours, do you think, didn't get the love it deserved?
19 - What's something the audience doesn't know about the behind the scenes of your channel?
20 - What's the most absurd request you received from a fan?
21 - Do your family and friends know you make ASMR videos?
22 - Have you ever been recognized in public?
23 - What inspires your video ideas?
24 - Where do you find yourself spending the most time online?
25 - What advice would you give someone who wanted to make their own ASMR content.
I mention:
ASMR Cherry Crush:
Life with MaK:
Seafoam Kitten's ASMR:
Crunchy ASMR:
I forgot to mention who I tag.
I Tag:
ASMR Cherry Crush -
Seafoam Kitten's ASMR -
LowFi ASMR -
FrivolousFox ASMR -
WhispersRed ASMR -
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Hope you enjoy!!
please be sure to subscribe!
For business inquiries - [email protected]
Please add ASMR to the subject of the email.
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25 questions 25 Questions Challenge 25 Questions Tag asmr asmr challenge asmr questions tag asmr tag challenges tags YouTube Tags