Tingleblade - a Slingblade / Karl Childers impersonation / parody for ASMR & relaxation

Ephemeral Rift
Published 11 years ago

My first ever full length public attempt at an impersonation of Karl Childers from the Academy Award winning film Slingblade, easily one of my Top 5 movies of all time. Billy Bob Thornton's character is one-of-a-kind and the movie itself is chock full of interesting characters, not to mention a great story full of heart.

As for this impersonation, I know the facial expressions need work, and I should have shaved my head properly and wore a shirt that resembled the one Karl had in the film. But this was yet another last-minute, spontaneous improvisation of mine, and I'm kinda of happy with the voice for the most part, although it's tough being consistent for this long in one take. I would like to do more of Karl, even if I can't improve on the impersonation.

I've always enjoyed doing impersonations ever since I was a kid. I can't do too many. I can do a decent Yoda. That's about it. Stayed tuned for that someday. Maybe.

What is ASMR? The Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Google / Wiki / YouTube it, and you'll find out more. It's all about providing relaxation and inducing the tingling sensation. My channel is primarily dedicated to creating such experiences, albeit mainly in offbeat ways.

As always, thanks for watching and the support.

Tingle on,

Social stuff:

Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ephemeralrift1
ASMR Batman FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AsmrBatman
Cthulhu Cult FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/realcthulhucult
Professor Clemmons FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/Professor.W.E.Clemmons
Tinfoil Hat Society FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ths.tinfoilhatsociety
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EphemeralRift


asmr calming childers comedic comedy ephemeral rift humor impersonation improv improvisation karl karl childers relax relaxation relaxing satire slingblade soothing spontaneous spoof tingles triggers

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