[ASMR] Cutting Your Hair & Measuring Roleplay (Headphones Recommended, scissors, water, soft-spoken)

Published 8 months ago

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AirWhisper ASMR

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* Disclaimer: I am not bilingual, and do not consider myself fluent/expert in French *.
#asmr​ #asmrvideo​ #asmrsounds​ #roleplay #patreon
0:00 Welcome To The Hair Salon
0:13 Checking Your Hair
0:45 Cutting Your Aura (Scissors 1)
1:33 Measuring You(r Hair) - Metal Tape
3:00 Feeling Your Hair
3:18 Water Sounds/Spraying Your Hair
4:15 Brushing Your Hair w Hairbrush
4:43 Brushing w Teasing Comb
4:55 Spit Cleaning Your Cow-Lick / Checking Your Hair
5:18 Haircut Starts (Scissors 2) w Rat-Tail Comb
7:15 Measuring - Fabric Tape
8:20 Haircut Continues w Wide-Toothed Comb (Scissors 3)
9:42 Brushing w Teasing Comb
10:11 Haircut Continues (Scissors 4)
11:19 Brushing w Hairbrush
12:15 Feeling Your Hair (Hand Sounds)
12:26 Some Basic French
13:19 Water/Spraying & French/Storytime
15:00 ???
15:11 Storytime & Hand Sounds
16:25 Brushing w Hairbrush
16:50 Checking/Cutting Your Aura (Scissors 1)
17:37 Fixing Your Bands w Rat-Tail Comb (Scissors 2)
18:05 Teasing Comb / Blowing On Your Hair
18:18 Measuring - Metal Tape & Fabric Tape
18:42 Getting Hair Out of Your Face
19:25 Thanks For Coming By (Slow Hand Movement)
20:11 End Of Video



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