21 Tingly Triggers for 2021 💕 [50 Minute ASMR Sound Assortment]

Moonlight Tingles
Published 4 years ago

☾S U B S C R I B E☾ to be a part of our moon family!! 🥺 : https://bit.ly/3iNMcVR
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✨ s o c i a l s ✨
asmr instagram♡: @moonlightingles
main instagram♡:@jotakiepie
twitter♡: @moonlightingles

✍︎ e m a i l ✍︎ (for business inquiries): [email protected]

❃ d i s c o r d s e r v e r ❃ : https://discord.gg/Z4RKPh6
Join my discord server to gain access to group chats with me and other moonchildren! You can personally talk to me, send me video requests, get notified whenever I upload, and can join voice calls where we can all chill and hangout! ♥︎

☘︎ credits to SugaHi ☘︎ for editing my yt channel banner art! subscribe to him here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyuDuSwU5gpdVep6OZOgDFQ?view_as=subscriber

00:00 intro
6:09 inaudible whispering
8:14 hand movements
10:15 face brushing
12:14 mic brushing
14:16 mic scratching (without cover)
16:18 mic scratching (with cover)
18:17 camera tapping
20:17 soft mouth sounds
22:17 kissing
24:19 slurping (mouth sounds with tongue)
26:19 tapping
28:21 textured scratching
30:19 lid sounds
32:19 light triggers (follow the light)
34:34 plucking (your negative energy)
36:31 liquid sounds (water)
38:20 page flipping & finger licking
40:20 hand sounds
42:22 lotion sounds
44:26 tongue clicking
46:35 positive affirmations (pure whispering)
48:23 outro

tags for this video:
asmr, whispering, mouth sounds, light tapping, inaudible whispering, unintelligible whispering, moonlight tingles, scratching, tongue clicking, hand movements, wet mouth sounds, dry mouth sounds, visual triggers, pure whispering, tingly, kisses, kissing, glass tapping, book tapping, lotion sounds, mic scratching, face brushing, mic brushing, blue yeti microphone, liquid sounds, water sounds, textured scratching, hand sounds, nail tapping, sound assortment, new year, 2021, 2020, long asmr, tingly, triggers, slurping, page flipping, lid sounds, light triggers, camera tapping, plucking, positive affirmations


2020 2021 asmr book tapping camera tapping face brushing glass tapping hand movements hand sounds inaudible whispering kisses kissing lid sounds light tapping light triggers liquid sounds lotion sounds mic brushing mic scratching moonlight tingles mouth sounds new year plucking positive affirmations pure whispering scratching slurping sound assortment tongue clicking unintelligible whispering visual triggers wet mouth sounds whispering

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