Hi everyone,
Hope you like this video!
I love the sticky sound that tape makes but I also feel like it's a random trigger that maybe not that many people do video of so hop you like it either way.
If you have any other requests please let me know in the comment section below.
Thank you for watching,
Evelin x
asmr asmr aggressive asmr brush asmr brushing asmr calming asmr crunchy asmr doing your makeup asmr eating asmr fall asleep asmr fast asmr fast tapping asmr for sleep asmr friend asmr mukbang asmr personal attention asmr popular asmr pretty girl asmr random asmr relaxing asmr roleplay asmr slow asmr sounds asmr spray asmr sticky asmr tape asmr tapping asmr tingly asmr touching your face asmr visual asmr water smr sticky tape асмр топ