Published 10 months ago

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With so much love, thank you and goodbye.๐Ÿ’—

๐ŸŒŸ Dive into the world of ASMR with me, as I explore the tingling sensations. Welcome to our soothing ASMR eye exam video! Sit back and relax as we take you through a gentle eye examination roleplay designed to trigger tingling sensations and help you unwind
๐ŸŽงโœจ Whether you're an ASMR enthusiast or just curious, join me on this relaxing journey. From whispers to gentle taps, let's discover the soothing sounds together. In this video, Our soft-spoken eye doctor will guide you through various calming exams like visual checks, pupil dilation tests, and more. Immerse yourself in the tranquil sounds of whispered triggers that will leave you feeling relaxed and ready for a peaceful night's sleep. #asmr #asmreyeexam #asmrcolorblind
Don't forget to wear your headphones for the best experience! ๐Ÿ’ค
๐Ÿ’ Why watch this video? If you're looking to unwind after a long day or simply curious about ASMR, you're in the right place. Whether you're looking for a relaxing session or dealing with color blindness, this is the best ASMR eye exam experience you'll find. Watch now and let the calming vibes take over! ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ #ASMR #EyeExam #soothingtriggers

00:00 - 00:54 - Follow my instructions
00:55 - 01:25 - Hearing Test
01:26 - 01:39 - Brushing your face
01:40 - 02:35 - Follow my instructions
02:36 - 02:55 - Corner game
02:56 - 03:15 - Rain/Snow
03:16 - 10:35 - Closing your eyes
03:29 - 05:22 - Following my instructions/Eye exam/END

๐Ÿ’— From lofi ASMR to trying out different triggers, I'm taking on the ASMR world in this video! Join me as I share my newbie sounds exploration and reactions to my very ASMR experience. #asmrfastandaggressive
Let's relax, de-stress, and maybe even get some goosebumps together!

#asmrlighttriggers #asmreyeexamlight #asmrforsleep #asmronlylighttriggers #onlylighttriggerseyeexamasmr #asmrtriggers #followthelightasmr #asmrfollowthelight #brightlightasmr #lighttrigger #asmrbrightlights #asmreyeexam #asmrlight
#lightasmr #penlightasmr #asmrlightexam #asmr #intenselightasmr #flashinglightasmr #asmrsleep #asmreyeexamlightcloseup #asmreyeexamforlightsensitivityclosingyoureyesasmr asmreyeexamlight #followthelightasmr #asmrfollowmyinstructions #asmrfollowthelightfast #asmfollowthelighteyeexam #asmrfollowthelightnotalking #asmrfollowthelightmouthsounds #followthelight #asmrfocusonthelight #asmrlightexam #asmrfocusonmelight #asmrfoucsonmelight #asmrlighttrigger #asmrslightsound #asmrorbitaleyeexam #asmrcranialnerveexam #asmrfocusonme #asmrfocusadhd #asmrfocustests #asmrfocus #asmrfocustest #focusonme #asmrfocusonmelight, #focus #asmrfocusonmepayattention #asmrfocusonmelighttriggers #focusasmr #asmrfocushere #focustestasmr #asmrforadhdfocus #extremefocustest #asmrfocusexercise #asmrfocusonthelight #asmrfocusonthesounds #asmrfastestfocustest #asmrextremefocustest #asmrfocusonmesnappingasmr #followmyinstructions #followmyinstructionsasmr #asmrfollowinginstructions #asmrfollowmysimpleinstructions #asmrfollowmyinstructionsforsleep #followinstructionsasmr #asmrfollowinstructions #asmrfastfollowmyinstructions #asmrfollowmyinstructionsfast #asmrfollowmyinstruction #asmrfollowmysleepinstructions #followmyinstructionseyesclosed #followingdirections #asmrinstructionsasmrforadhd, #asmrforadd, #asmr, #asmrforadhdnotalking, #asmrforadhdandsleep #asmrtohelpyoufocus #asmrforcooking #asmrforadhdsleep #asmrforadhdnotfastandaggressive #asmrforadhdandanxiety #asmrforadhdstudying #asmrforadhdbrain, #asmrforadhdpeople, #asmrforadhdstudying, #hypnoticdreamsasmr #hypnoticasmr #asmrforshortattentionspans, #asmrforfocus #asmrforanxiety #asmrsleep #asmrnotalking #asmrforpeoplewhoneedsleep #asmrforpeoplewithshortattentionspan #shortattentionspan #asmrshortattentionspan #shortattentionspans #shortattention #asmrforpeoplewithshortattentionspans, #asmrforpeoplewithshortattention #asmrforshortattentionspan #asmrforshortattention, #asmrforpeoplewhohaveshortattentionspan #asmrforshortattentionspans #payattention #asmrforpeoplewithshortattentionspan #shortattentionasmr, #shortattentiontriggers

๐Ÿ”” Subscribe for more fun and relaxing content! If you enjoyed this video, make sure to hit that like button, leave a comment with your thoughts or suggestions, and subscribe to me for more ASMR adventures and a variety of entertaining content. Your support means the world to me! ๐ŸŒโค๏ธ

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