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Thank you, you gorgeous human! ✨
Hi everyone,
Just a little quick fix ASMR this evening. I whispered in this one which is not my normal forte but wanted to do something a little different. A quick check up from Dr Zoe Whispers; she checks your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, glands and scalp (gave your shoulders, knees and toes a miss though 🤣😜). I hope you find it relaxing.
Lots of love,
Zoë ❤️
Timestamps ⏰:
Introduction 00:00
Putting on gloves 03:54
Eyes 04:17
Ears 06:25
Mouth 09:46
Nose 11:20
Glands 12:28
Scalp 13:27
Writing prescription and end 16:08
O n e O f f S u p p o r t 💞:
B u s i n e s s E m a i l 📧:
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A b o u t A S M R:
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, a term coined for the fuzzy or tingly sensation felt in response to certain audio, visual or other sensory stimuli. This sensation tends to start in the scalp but can work it's way down the body, and is associated with a strong feeling of relaxation. These videos are created to try and elicit this response, and also to be relaxing in general.
S o u n d s u s e d i n i n t r o:
acoustic guitar melody by Garuda1982
(Creative Commons 0
campfire in a forest at night.wav by Duophonic
(Creative Commons 0
E q u i p m e n t:
Video - Google Pixel 5
Audio - 3Dio Free Space
#asmr #asmrcheckup #asmrdoctor #asmrwhispers #asmrmedical #binaural #3dio
asmr asmr accent asmr check up asmr close up asmr doctor asmr ear to ear asmr exam asmr examination asmr google asmr medical asmr personal attention asmr scottish asmr scottish accent asmr sounds ASMR Tingles ASMR whisper asmr whispered asmr whispers asmr youtube zoe esther asmr