Channing All Over Your Tatum with Miley Cyrus! - Commentary

Jessica ASMR
Published 11 years ago

I Wanna Channing All Over Your Tatum FINALLY gets a EPIC COOL MUSIC VIDEO Channing Tatum and Jaime Foxx are back at it again! The two hot hollywood actors, who put out the viral hit "I Wanna Channing All Over Your Tatum," finally gave that awesome masterpiece of a music video epic song but I honestly think this music video is making fun of today music industry but lol, it's just as funny and ridiculous as you'd imagine.Like The video features some guest stars in hollywood like Olivia Munn and Gabourey Sidibe play Channing obsessed hype hot girls on the beach while Jimmy Kimmel saves ..... So Yeah When Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx performed a duet called "(I Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum" on Jimmy Kimmel's post like Oscar show back in February, the entire internet was turned on. So, yeah naturally, Kimmel took it upon himself to turn the performance into a fully-produced song and music video, which debuted Tuesday on "Jimmy Kimmel Live: NBA Game Night." Show And Of Course Hot Olivia Munn, Gabourey Sidibe, Miley Cyrus and if you watch carful you will see yup that's right Matt Damon!!! Made a cameo in channing all over your tatum video wow excited right???! Oh whats even more exciting was Miley Cyrus from being crushed by a vending machine, and ya know, he Channings all over her Tatum as she sings wowers so hahahah Another highlight from the video is Channing's rap solo, where he teases, "But if you're gonna go and Channing then you better be warned lol and so on so what are your thoughts on this epic coolness music video Channing All Over Your Tatum which was featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live Youtube Channel . OH AND TODAY MUSIC INDUSTRY LACKS SOME HARD WORK LIKE THESE DAYS THEY PUT ANYTHING TOGETHER I know based on two videos Jimmy Kimmel Put Out on his youtube channel he trying to send a message and well if you notice in his other music video that was released right after the (I Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum - Official Music Video he than right after that one was called Sausage Party -- Official Music Video Which Featured REbecca Black Ex Producer So Anyways Well All I'm Saying Is Not Bad Two Jimmy Kimmel Music Videos But Lol I think Jimmy Kimmel And All Of America And The Whole World Is Starting To See Lack Of Hard Work Like I Guess Anyone Can Make A Music Video These Days LOl maybe I might make one and use autotune hahahah just kidding or maybe ( mhahahahah evil laugh)!!!!!... To see the entire Channing All Over Your Tatum music video for yourself click the link below in the info section. I'm Jessica Kardashian Thanks For watching ! xo

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More Details Article Read On Jimmy Kimmel Debuts "I Wanna Channing All Over Your Tatum" Music Video


Channing All Over Your Tatum Miley Cyrus Channing All over Your Tatum music video channing tatum Channing Tatum Jamie Foxx comedy Funny I Wanna Channing All Over Your Tatum Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx funny jimmy kimmel Jimmy Kimmel Channing Tatum jimmy kimmel live JimmyKimmelLive Kimmel Channing All Over Your Tatum Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Channing All Over The Tatum miley cyrus hot Miley Cyrus sexy official song

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