Why Do I HUG STRANGERS In The Street?

Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲
Published 1 year ago

This is why I do what I do, and I do not intend on stopping, but it would really help me if...

You liked this video, shared it and subscribed to my channel.

The more engagement it gets and the more people will be inspired to open up their heart. The world needs this.

The people at the top who kill children overseas MAY change their mind if the streets were filled with Love.

Isn't it the only way to stop them? Yes, I dream big. But listen.

I have found the courage to go out in the street AGAIN and you may go "aw that's nice" but by helping me spread this message, WE TOGETHER are inspiring people who like me, will go in the street and make a difference.

Ripple effect. It's called activism. So I need your support.

Share, like, comment, subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Also, if I could ever monetise my channel, I wouldn't have to think twice about whether I can afford to spend all of this time in the street, filming, editing and posting on different platforms.

This is how I want to grow old. Feeling like I made an impact, small at first then bigger. I have always seen myself doing this. It's hard to keep going, to keep trusting it is working. For the first time of my life I want to not be scared of asking for help.

Thank you for doing your part. I love you.

My Website: https://www.aglae.co.uk
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theempoweringvoice/


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