Hey there ♥ I hope you are doing well!
Today I am back with a new video with the rode mics! It's pretty bassy but I really hope the soft breathing, ear blowing and shushing will be able to help you fall asleep quickly!
Get some good sleep and have some sweet dreams ♥
Thank you for being here and supporting what I do!
Huge shout-out to my boyfriend who is cutting the videos for you guys!
Sleep tight and Gute Nacht ♥
all links:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asmr_divinity
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmr_divinity/
German YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe6O7NLQE9Rvvcu9Jx3buEw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASMR_Divinity
New video every 2 days.
Live streams on Twitch 5 days a week. (11pm CET/CEST)
Previous Video: https://youtu.be/LAcdFcpfcYg
Business Contact Mail: [email protected]
I do NOT make custom/personalized videos.
asmr ASMR Divinity asmrdivinity background bassy binaural Breathing deep divi divinity ear to ear for sleep gentle mic blowing Microphone no talking no whisper positive shh slow smile soft tingles tingly White Noise wind