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I stream #ASMR Sun- Wed, 10/10:30 PM Pacific on Twitch. (Usually about 3-4 hours a stream) Stop by and hang out for Live ASMR!
🌘 (Sat - Wed ~3PM Pacific. I do a gaming stream before ASMR. Usually FPS.)
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This video is intended for sleep aid and relaxation. Please let me know in the comments if you have future video requests or suggestions
🌘#triggerwords #ASMR #Fuzzymic #fluffymic
affirmations anxiety asmr asmr blue yeti asmr brushing asmr for anxiety asmr fuzzy mic ASMR Trigger Words blue yeti brushing calming chills depression fluffy mic for sleep fuzzy mic goosebumps Health jinxy asmr JinxyASMR massage mental mic brush mouth sounds no tingles positive relax relax me relaxation relaxing scratch scratching sleep sleep aide sleepless soft spoken sounds tap tapping Time to sleep tingles trigger words visual asmr whispering yeti mic