inaudible whispering e tanti mouth sounds | asmr ita
#relaxingvideo #asmr
ciao a tutti☺️ spero stiate tutti bene❤️
Oggi vi propongo un video in chiave diversa... inaudible e semi inaudible ear to ear con un po` di brushing on camera
Spero che questo video vi accompagni al sonno
Hello everyone :) I hope you are all well
today I propose a video in a different key ... inaudible and semi inaudible ear to ear with a little brushing on camera
I hope this video takes you to sleep
trigger you will found in this video: mouth sounds, visual triggers, inaudible ear to ear, tongue clicking, tico tico, camera brushing, unusual mouth sounds
canali instagram 💋
1)justcallme.freddy ❤👇
2)tinglefreddyasmr ❤👇
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asmr asmr for sleep asmr video brushing on camera crackling sounds hands movement inaudible mouth sound pure mouth sounds relax relaxing asmr semi inaudible tico tico tinglefreddy asmr tongue clicking triggers unusual mouth sounds visual triggers wet mouth sounds whispering Whispering ear to ear