
ずなちゃんねる rizuna ch.
Published 2 months ago




🥕Request from Rizuna🥕
Making comments or posts that have nothing to do with the delivery
Reacting to trolling behavior
Comments with too many direct expressions, etc.
If you see them, please mute or block them gently.

We want to have a good time with you, so please do not hesitate to do so.




Secondary distribution, copying, or resale of images or audio is prohibited.


100% tingles ACMP asmr challenge asmr collection asmr ear asmr for sleep asmr high quality asmr intense tingles ASMR sleep asmr tapping brushing close up cosplay Ear Cleaning ear to ear earcleaning fast asmr Heartbeat japanese asmr korean asmr mic brushing scratching sleep tapping tingles コスプレ 眠れる 耳かき 睡眠 癒し バイノーラル コスプレ asmr タッピング

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