In today's asmr video i do 40 fast and aggressive triggers in 32 minutes. My goal at the beginning of this video was to do 100 triggers in 1 hour, but at the ending i was so tired that i ended up giving up :D one day i'll do it!
00:00 - cork tapping
00:59 - finger snapping
01:42 - little scissors snipping sounds
02:51 - lid clicking
03:50 - razor on mic foam cover
04:26 - guitar picks
04:53 - mic gripping
06:08 - mic tapping w/ foam cover
06:58 - mic rubbing w/ fluffy cover
07:54 - card tapping
08:50 - sponge squishing
09:27 - mic brushing w/ shaving brush
10:06 - tuning fork sounds + tapping
10:52 - glass measuring cup tapping
11:16 - table tapping
11:50 - remote control button clicking
12:53 - handy
13:40 - cotton swabs
14:46 - finger fluttering
15:45 - mic brushing w/ toothbrush
16:34 - plastic bowl tapping
16:43 - tupperware tapping
17:48 - big scissors snipping sounds
18:29 - nail rubbing
19:22 - hand sounds w/ latex gloves
20:10 - ps5 controller sounds
21:02 - tape on mic
21:49 - electric guitar fret sounds
22:35 - fingertip tapping
23:21 - glass jar tapping
24:23 - rhythmic hand sounds
24:55 - hand fan sounds
25:49 - hand rubbing
26:26 - fabric sounds
27:07 - cat scratching post
27:50 - wooden spoon tapping
28-58 - mic scratching
29:53 - mic tapping
31:00 - collarbone tapping
31:39 - hand flicking
As always: high sensitivity, deep/bassy sounds with the Blue Yeti mic. No talking.
No mid-roll ads.
Hope you enjoy the video and hopefully it helps you sleep/study/work/focus or just relax 😴
If you find this video too short, there's an option to loop it on the video settings. If you're on pc just right click the video and then a loop option should appear :)
And then you can use it as a background for anything :D
Channel art/picture made by Youjin Tsukino JIN-JIN ASMR 😊
#asmr #fastandaggressive
aggressive asmr bassy brushing fast hand sounds intense loud no talking scissors tapping Асмр агрессивный АСМР Звуки рук 音フェチ асмр