Greetings & salutations, my loves. This is another little installment in our RASMRDSMR experiment (although much subtly so), and a medical RP I've wanted to do for a long time. If you've followed my life a bit in the past, you'll know I have rather poor health and have been in and out with doctors for years. The absolute worst part of it was always the blood draws and IVs. I really wanted to make something that would hopefully help alleviate some of the stress for others when it comes to blood draws. Hope y'all enjoy, and I hope y'all have a whale of a day :)
Triggers in this video include: soft speaking, skin sounds, glove sounds, paper ripping, crinkling, personal attention & more.
My voice is higher than usual and I'm really out of breath this whole video, sorry for that! Talking about and thinking about blood draws gets me super anxious and I just could not catch my breath or normalize my own voice, hope that wasn't too off putting.
At around 5:00 we do a little deep breathing and I have this problem where I don't close my eyes fully. I AM SO SORRY. I actually sleep like this too, it's a huge problem. Sorry if it freaked you out!
Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram (my personal account, no ASMR content): calliope182
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However I am not currently going to do rewards or perks just due to my schedule, so if you aren't comfortable with donating without a reward, that is just fine :) The best type of support doesn't cost anything – your views, your likes, your subscribes – but if you want to contribute to new equipment/props, I would greatly appreciate it :)
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asmr blood draw crinkles crinkling doctor ear to ear gloves medical Nurse personal attention role play rp simulation soft spoken stereo tapping tingle tingly