Imbolc Greetings!
Welcome to your curse removal and protection ritual. Imbolc is the perfect time for purification. The stirring of new life and the growing of the light. We are now halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc is associated with the Goddess Brighid, Brigid or Bridhe. She is the Goddess of fertility, fire and of the hearth.
I will be using a variety of tools such as herbs, gems, candle, incense, chants and reiki to help bring back the light in your life! This will be done to the healing sounds of nature and birdsong.
**Please be aware that I have used organic woodland nature sounds which can sometimes be a little unpredictable (not as smooth as edited sounds i.e wind, animals, rustles, water etc) and I am still learning to mix sounds. It is recommended that you listen to this ASMR video with a low to medium volume level.**
To book a session with me:
** NOTICE: 📝 I will never reach out asking for money or offering a service! I will also never reach out or message you on any social media platform. The links to my TikTok and Instagram accounts are my ONLY accounts. **
** Please note: that reiki is not intended as a cure or a replacement for medical treatment. However it is an excellent complimentary treatment alongside conventional medical care. If you have any health concerns please consult your doctor. **
Music Credits:
Moon Song by the incredibly talented Adrian Von Ziegler:
*Blessed Brighid*
Words and music by Rachel Day
Blessed be to the fire in the night.
Blessed be to the wisdom of the rune.
Blessed are you who dance in the light.
Blessed are you who give praise to the moon.
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be...
Blessed be to the sacred waters fair.
Blessed be to the willow tree.
Blessed are you who finds solace there.
Blessed are they who know they are free.
Blessed Brighid, we welcome you.
May you bring healing and guidance too.
Lady of fire, creativity.
Maiden of the flame, of poetry.
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be...
Maiden of the flame, of poetry...
This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: *
ASMR Celtic Imbolc Wiccan Relaxation Reiki Roleplay Ritual Goddess