You're our new test subject? Welcome! Dr.Phoenix will be experimenting on you to test for tingle immunity, new triggers and your reactions. All these tingles will help you fall asleep 😴 Sweet dreams~
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Timestamps :
00:00 - intro : writing on notepad
04:20 - placing electrodes and binder (plastic sleeves, paper sounds)
08:42 - face scrub, silicone bristle scratching
12:26 - glass ice globes (water bubble sounds) and textured foam (MY FAV)
21:00 - crinkle fabric
24:50 - face touching to remove tingle immunity
27:41 - plastic cover, sensitive cracking
32:37 - shaving cream brushing on mic
39:44 - wood foot roller
44:58 - feather
50:31 - faux leather brush bag
52:08 - crinkly brush plastic
57:28 - face brushing to relax
59:00 - countdown
#ASMR #roleplay #scientist #experiment #doctor #triggers #tingles #whisper #whispers #softspoken #blueyeti #montreal #eartoear #binaural #comfort #youtuber #love #tingle #relax #asmrtrigger #shiver #goosebumps #sleepy #english #ASMRtist #checkup #ear #asmrtapping
asmr experiment experiments help Help Sleep hour lab laboratory roleplay rp science scientist sleep sleepy soft spoken tingly whispered