Hello Everybody,
Welcome to my Channel! I hope you're all doing as well as possible. These are challenging and painful times, and I know many of you have difficulties of your own on top of everything that's going on. I'm sending you all so much love and support as you move through these challenges.
This video is my Communication Part 2: Listening :) You have requested a sequel to my Communication Video basically since I uploaded it! Which is always very exciting. I've wanted to create a video for Listening for quite some time, and I feel right now is a perfect time to open ourselves up to holding space and hearing what others are experiencing.
Here are a few links I wanted to share. Some of them are campaigns, funds or businesses I’ve donated to, and others are links I’ve found useful. I felt called to donate to these, but please do research before donating money to any organization. I think above all education and compassion are the most powerful tools we have at our disposal.
Official George Floyd Memorial Fund:
OFFICIAL Gianna Floyd Fund (George Floyd's child):
Justice for Breonna Taylor:
I Run With Maud:
Black Lives Matter:
Black Lives Matter Donation List:
Help Trio (Black-Owned) Thrive in Minneapolis (Plant Based):
Campaing Zero:
Open Letter Against Racism and Police Brutality:
Justice For George Floyd:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (Book)
Justice For George Floyd CHANGE.ORG:
If you are interested in booking a session with me or checking out the services I offer (I offer Distance Reiki Sessions) here's a link to my website:
A Special Thank You to Jared McPherson, Laurie Owen, Noemi Waymire, and Eric Wood :) Your support means the world to me!
In Overwhelming Gratitude,
My Patreon:
My Vlog Channel (Plant Based Living with Anna):
My Other ASMR Channel (ASMR with Anna):
My Reiki Master:
Lune Innate
Aurora by Jonny Easton
Link: https://youtu.be/Ct44WnxlPC0
Check out his channel
Link: https://www.youtube.com/jonnyeaston
If you are in a personal crisis - please call now 1-800-273-TALK (8258) (24 hours hotline), or 1-800-LIFENET.
I am not a medical professional. Do not use this video as a substitute for seeking medical advice. This is a spiritual practice. If you wish, it can be used to compliment your healthcare regime. It is in NO WAY meant to replace professional medical guidance and care.
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