If you are interested in getting a zen garden yourself, here is the link to this one :
Hi everyone,
In this video, I unbox the Zen garden and try different zen garden set ups. In this no-talking video, you will ear a lot of tapping, wood, sand and bubble wrap sounds.
As mentionned on twitter, ICNbuys offered to send me a zen garden for free. The vast majority of the people who voted agreed to this ponctual sponsorship, so here it is !
I hope you enjoyed this video, please let me know what kind of videos you would like to see next in the comment section.
If you wish to support me, you can do so by becoming one of my patrons on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Behindthemoons
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Instagram : BehindTheMoons
Thank you !
anxiety asmr asmr no talking asmr zen garden asmr zen garden unboxing and set up no talking behindthemoons BTM crinkle ICNBUYS jardin zen Meditation no talking relaxation relaxing sand stress relief tapping Unboxing wood zen Zen Garden zen garden set up zen garden unboxing zengarden