ASMR | CUPPED & EXTREMELY UP-CLOSE WHISPERING (Crisp, Deep, Cupped Whispers & Positive Affirmations)

FireSighed Chats ASMR
Published 4 years ago

Hello everyone! :)

I hope you had an amazing weekend and are ready for this upcoming week. Sending you so much love as we move into the next few days. In this video we have deep, crisp, extremely close up whisper video with some positive affirmations.

I hope you have an amazing week, and please remember to follow me on Twitch and come hang out during some of my live streams. :)


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My Equipment:
Camera: (Camera has changed)
Microphone: (Mics have changed)


ACMP acmp asmr asmr asmr binaural up close whispering asmr close up breathy whisper ear to ear asmr cupped whisper asmr cupped whisper ear to ear asmr deep crisp cupped asmr deep crisp extremely upclose asmr ear to ear up close whispering asmr ear to ear whispering ramble asmr extremely close cupped whispering asmr live streaming asmr personal attention face touching asmr personal attention hand movements asmr very tingly mic scratching and whispering sexy asmrtist

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