Asmr Back Scratching & Scalp Massage 💕🤤 Tapping on you, Hair Play, Scratching & More 💕

LullabyLeah’s ASMR
Published 1 year ago

00:00 Preview
01:02 Mini Intro with nail tapping
01:38 Light Tapping on your neck and back
04:00 Scratchy Tapping on your back no talking
12:18 Nape of the neck & back tapping/scratch
17:34 Tapping/Scratching on your forehead
21:12 Tapping on your face, cheeks, & neck
24:00 Scalp Massage mixed with light forehead taps
28:21 Scalp Massage on back of your scalp
20:35 Outro

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#asmr #asmrscalpmassage #asmrlongnails #asmrhairbrushing #asmrrelaxingtriggers #asmrtapping #asmrscratching #asmrsounds #asmrtingles #asmrsleep


asmr asmr back scratching asmr fall asleep asmr for relaxation asmr for sleep asmr long nails asmr massage asmr no talking ASMR Scalp Massage asmr scratching ASMR sleep asmr tapping asmr trigger assortment ASMR triggers back scratching Scalp Massage

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