[ASMR] Pumpkin Carving Sounds | Pumpkin guts | Decorating my pumpkin sounds ๐ŸŽƒ

Published 2 years ago

Happy Halloweeeeen everyone!!
(Well, Monday of course)

I hope you all have a spooky halloween!
What are you guys doing? Are you dressing up? What/who are you going to be?!

Tonight, I decided to film something "Halloweeney" and thought, what sounds nice? And this... oh my lord, sounds incredible!!

I hope its a treat for you all! (no pun intended, lol!)

Anyway, if you liked this video, or any other videos I have made, please like and subscribe! It's free :)
80% of my audience aren't subscribed.. If I get 3,000 subs by christmas I would be so grateful!! :)

Enjoy your halloween guys!

Teri x

#ASMR #ASMRpumpkinsounds #Pumpkinsounds #ASMRsquelchingsounds #TeriASMR #sounds #carvingpumpkinsounds #autumnalsounds #asmrpumpkin #pumpkinasmr #pumpkin #howtocarveapumpkin #pumpkincarving #pumpkincarvingrealtime

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asmr autumn asmr halloween ASMR Halloween Triggers asmr pumpkin asmr pumpkin carving no talking asmr pumpkin guts asmr pumpkin scratching asmr pumpkin tapping carving pumpkin asmr halloween ambience Halloween ASMR pumpkin asmr pumpkin carving pumpkin carving asmr no talking pumpkin carving ideas pumpkin carving tutorial pumpkin carving tutorial for beginners pumpkin sounds teri teri asmr Teri ASMR hair

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