I love setting the mood for relaxation and to lose some stress. Let me know what helps you. XOXO
Setting the mood is first half of video and second half is face brushing and inaudible whispers
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Art Youtube Channel: Corona Fine Art
Website: Coronafineart.com
personalattention asmrnature bestasmr closewhispers facebrushing fastASMR gentleasmr gentlesounds inaudiblewhisper inaudiblewhispering inaudiblewhispers loveasmr nature'sasmr naturesounds relax relaxasmr sleep sleepysounds slowasmr soothing.sounds soothingasmr squishysounds stresshelpasmr stressrelief takecareofyouasmr totalblissasmr trigggerassortment unwindsounds upcloseasmr whispersasmr