Morning Affirmations 🌞 ASMR

Yvonne Xuan-Thao ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Hello angels 😇,

I made this morning affirmation ASMR video for you! I hope you enjoy it. This video will help you to align with the best energies as you start your day.

You are so perfect! I love you so much!

Thank you for letting me speak my loving words to you,
Empress Eva 😘


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Venmo: ParadiseofEva |

Instagram: paradiseofevaasmr |


**Medical Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. This video is created for relaxation, entertainment, and ASMR/tingles inducing purposes only.

This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have any health conditions please consult your healthcare provider.

#asmr #whispering #positiveaffirmations #morningaffirmation #relaxation

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