ASMR FULL Body & Face Measuring, Drawing on you, Making notes

Ruby True
Published 8 months ago

I hope you enjoy this Full body and Face measuring ASMR RP , I will be drawing measuring marks on your face and making notes throught . Super Tingly personal attention roleplay.
#asmrpersonalattention #asmrmeasuring #softspoken #britishasmr

0:00 - Preview
01:02 - Welcome and prep
01:47 - Questions writing
02:50 - Un wrapping tape measures
03:08 - Explaining pencil markings
03:24 - Putting on gloves
04:21 - Face Measuring start
05:06 - Marking and measuring facial points
06:07 - Writing measurements
06:24 - Marking and measuring Jaw
06:38 - Relax your face
07:02 - Marking Jaw with pencil
07:25 - Measuring Jaw
07:53 - Writing Measurements
08:09 - Nose Measuring / Marking
08:55 - Writing Measurements
09:14 - Forehead Measuring / Marking
10:10 - Writing Measurements / Relax
10:41 - Ear Measuring / Marking
13:14 - Writing Measurements
13:56 - Head curcumfrence measuring
15:40 - Writing Measurements
16:03 - Cleaning off Markings on face
18:00 - Deep breaths /relax
18:44 - Neck Measuring / Marking
21:03 - Writing Measurements
21:16 - Cleaning off markings
22:00 - Neck Measuring round
23:02 - Writing Measurements
23:26 - Shoulder Measuring
24:46 - Writing Measurements
25:09 - Chest Measuring
26:09 - Writing Measurements
26:42 - Ribcage/lower chest
27:15 - Writing Measurements
27:37 - Arm / hand Measuring
30:07 - Writing Measurements
30:25 - Bicep Measuring
32:00 - Writing Measurements
32:16 - Fore arm Measuring
32:59 - Wrist Measuring
33:24 - Writing Measurements
34:05 - Shoulder Measuring
34:31 - Hand Span Measuring
34:56 - Writing Measurements
35:18 - Waist Measuring
37:06 - Writing Measurements
37:26 - Measuring Hip to Hip
38:07 - Leg measuring
38:55 - Writing Measurements
39:30 - Thigh Measuring
40:22 - Writing Measurements
40:37 - Calf Measuring
41:43 - Writing Measurements
42:09 - Bent leg/ ankle Measurement
43:00 - General body measurements /writing
44:36 - checking details/ writing
44:47 - Removing Gloves / wrapping up

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asmr body measuring asmr face measuring asmr face measuring and drawing asmr face measuring and marking asmr face measuring roleplay asmr face measuring whisper asmr for sleep asmr full body and face measuring asmr measuring and drawing your face asmr rp ASMR sleep asmr soft spoken ASMR Soft Spoken role play asmr soft spoken rp ASMR Tingles ASMR whisper full body measuring Medical ASMR personal attention Sleep ASMR sleep inducing sounds soft spoken

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