Korean ASMR Stone Earwax Ear Cleaning with Stainless Ear Pick 스텐 귀청소와 돌귀지 EN SUB

Published 8 years ago

This is 'Ear Cleaning with Stainless Ear Pick & Whispering' Korean ASMR!
Hello everyone!
My dear subscribers from all over the world! Nice to meet you!
I am Korean ASMRtist PPOMO :)
Thank you for your watching :D!

안녕하세요~ 스테인레스귀이개 귀청소와 수다영상이에요! XD
실제로는 스텐귀이개로 귀 막 파면 안돼요! :O ㅋㅋ 오늘도 릴렉스~!
언제나 감사해요!

Hola a todos!
Mis queridos suscriptores de todo el mundo! Encantada de conocerte!
Soy coreana ASMRtist PPOMO :)
Este es un video de ASMR!
Gracias por su observación :D!

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3dio asmr ACMP asmr ASMR Ear Cleaning asmr mouth sounds asmr no talking ASMR Role Play ENG SUB korean asmr english asmr español asmr french asmr japanese asmr Kiss ASMR korean asmr lip sound asmr mouth sound Portuguese ASMR ppomo asmr russian asmr Spanish ASMR whispering asmr 音フェチ

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