Hello there :) How is everyone doing? Sit back and enjoy this (hopefully) relaxing sound assortment I made for you. These are the triggers:
Lid sounds: 0:50 - 4:32
Tape/Sticky sounds: 4:32 - 10:21
Deep crinkly sounds: 10:21 - 13:58
Rummaging through a pencil case: 13:58 - 19:56
Beaded Box (includes coin and dollar bill sounds): 19:56 - 25:51
Soft tapping on soft plastic: 25:51 - 31:03
Tapping on a book (includes turning pages sounds): 31:03 - end
More trigger/sound assortments:
More binaural videos:
➜➜➜ Comment "The beaded box gives me life, yaaass!" if you read this and agree with it. :D
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anxiety asleep assortment autonomous beaded box binaural bob body book cranial ear face feeling female haircut hand head hypnosis insomnia lid lids massage melt meridian nerve paint panic pencil case plastic play pleasurable pleasure relax relaxation response role roleplay ross scratching sensory sleep soft sound spoken sticky tape tapping therapy tingle tingles to trigger triggers voice whisper