Hello Everyone!
Firstly, as I say at the start of the video, so sorry for the bad camera angle cutting out most of my face. Will be more careful next time!
SO my last fluffy mic scritching video has so many comments asking for another video & I'm so happy to do it! I wasn't sure if people wanted the fast mouth sounds too so I've put them in but if you want a video without the mouth sounds or paired with another trigger please let me know.
Hope you enjoy xxx
Aggressive ASMR aggressive fast asmr aggressive fluffy asmr asmr asmr aggressive asmr aggressive brushing asmr aggressive fast asmr aggressive fluffy asmr aggressive scratch asmr fast aggressive asmr fast brushing asmr fast mouth sounds asmr fluffy mic asmr fluffy mic brushing asmr fluffy mic fussy asmr fluffy mic scritching asmr kirsty asmr scritch asmr scritching fast aggressive asmr fast mouth sounds asmr fluffy mic scratching kirsty asmr